The One Minute Film & Video Festival will start next 19 August until 22 August in Aarau, Switzerland. My film "National 03" will be in the official program, while "Birds" and "Smoke" will be shown on a special program.
terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010
One Minute Film & Video Festival Switzerland
De 19 a 22 de Agosto, decorre o Festival One Minute em Aarau, na Suíça. O meu filme "Nacional 03" vai estar em competição. Os filmes "Smoke" e "Birds" são exibidos numa mostra especial.
The One Minute Film & Video Festival will start next 19 August until 22 August in Aarau, Switzerland. My film "National 03" will be in the official program, while "Birds" and "Smoke" will be shown on a special program.
The One Minute Film & Video Festival will start next 19 August until 22 August in Aarau, Switzerland. My film "National 03" will be in the official program, while "Birds" and "Smoke" will be shown on a special program.
sábado, 10 de julho de 2010
Absolut Fringe Festival
21 Setembro, peça-performance Self-Portrait, Festival Absolut Fringe de Dublin, Absolut Factory. Podia ser um questionário de polícia, um inquérito de saúde ou o discurso fragmentado de uma máquina. Mas, é uma peça-performance. 21 de Setembro, Fringe Fcatory, Live Scratch Programe, Dublin. Texto e performance: Ana Mendes; voz: Ant Hampton.
The play "Self-portrait" will be presented at the Festival Absolut Fringe, Dublin, 21st September, Absolut Fringe Factory, Live Scratch Programe. It could be a police questionnaire or an health interrogatory or, even, the discourse fragmented of a machine. But it is a play. During years, I collected my personal details - since Identity number to mamographies and medical examinations and wondered what's the role that heritage plays in our life. Where were your born? What's your age? Do you have sex regularly? How many times a week? Is there any disease in your family? Which disease? Please answer the question.
quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010
Cross Talk Video Art Film Festival
Os filmes "Birds" e "Purification"foram seleccionados para o Festival Cross Talk Video Art, que decorreu em Budapeste, Hungria, de 1 a 6 de Junho, 2010. O Festival decorreu na Merlin (Galeria de Arte e Bar), localizada mesmo no centro da cidade. Áustria, o País convidado, trouxe uma mostra de trabalhos excelentes, em vídeo arte.
The films "Birds" and "Purification" were selected for the Cross Talk - Video Art Film Festival that took place in Budapest, Hungary, from 1 to 6 of June. The Festival took place at the Merlin, an art gallery that is, simultaneously, a bar. It has good exhibition conditions and the location is great, at the very city centre. Austria, the guess country, exhibited really very good material.
Croatia One Minute Film Festival
O filme "Birds" foi seleccionado para o Croácia One Minute Film Festival, que decorreu de 25 a 27 de Maio, 2010, em Pozega. A Croácia é um dos Países mais bonitos que já visitei, curiosamente ainda à procura da sua identidade... O Festival tem 18 anos e a organização é excelente. Este ano ganhou um filme Italiano de Cinema de animação, no passado o vencedor foi um film de imagem real, realizado por Luís Antunes (PT).
The film "Birds" was selected for the Croatia One Minute Film Festival that took place from 25 to 27 of May, in POzega. Croatia is one of the most charming countries that I have ever visited. The way they discuss their own identity is very interesting - as matter of fact, they are still searching for it. The Festival is quite old (18 years) and the organization is excellent. This year the winner was an animation film, last year it was a live action film directed by Luís Antunes (PT).
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