sábado, 10 de julho de 2010

Absolut Fringe Festival

21 Setembro, peça-performance Self-Portrait, Festival Absolut Fringe de Dublin, Absolut Factory. Podia ser um questionário de polícia, um inquérito de saúde ou o discurso fragmentado de uma máquina. Mas, é uma peça-performance. 21 de Setembro, Fringe Fcatory, Live Scratch Programe, Dublin. Texto e performance: Ana Mendes; voz: Ant Hampton.

The play "Self-portrait" will be presented at the Festival Absolut Fringe, Dublin, 21st September, Absolut Fringe Factory, Live Scratch Programe. It could be a police questionnaire or an health interrogatory or, even, the discourse fragmented of a machine. But it is a play. During years, I collected my personal details - since Identity number to mamographies and medical examinations and wondered what's the role that heritage plays in our life. Where were your born? What's your age? Do you have sex regularly? How many times a week? Is there any disease in your family? Which disease? Please answer the question.

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